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40/140 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: (03) 9607 8268

Wayne Saman Market Views 2023 – Australian real estate update

Key takeaways:

With the prevailing high interest rates and inflation, it is expected that the average Australian’s household budget will continue to face erosion, making property ownership less affordable for many individuals.

Amidst these circumstances, property investors are grappling with a pressing question: what factors will contribute to future increases in property values?

To shed light on this inquiry, it is essential to delve into historical data, as it can offer valuable insights and set expectations for the future. In this article, we will examine past market trends and analyze the potential headwinds and tailwinds that our property markets are poised to encounter throughout 2023.

Looking ahead, I perceive 2023 as a crucial juncture when our property markets will undergo a RESET, signifying the commencement of a new cycle. This pivotal transition is expected to bring about significant shifts and dynamics within the real estate landscape.

Wayne Saman Work Experience

Wayne Saman : Previously FREEDOM FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PTY. LTD. located at IVANHOE EAST, VICTORIA, Australia. Part of the Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services Industry. FREEDOM FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PTY. LTD.

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“As a new start-up business, I am extremely impressed and satisfied with the excellent service and business advice that I have received from Wayne and the team at Aspire Wealth Group.”

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You have probably been told that there is a large difference in what people can borrow as a mortgage and what they can afford. But did you know that there are several other facts that should concern you when it comes to buying a home? First of all, before you shop for a mortgage you should make sure you have the right amount of money available for a down payment. There are a variety of mortgage rates, and they can range by a few percentage points depending on a number of different factors. It is important to understand how to get a mortgage in order to get the best deal possible. Once you understand how to get a mortgage, you will be better prepared to choose a lender who can offer the best mortgage terms for your specific needs.

In addition to finding a mortgage that is right for your needs, you also need to make sure that you have enough available liquid cash. The biggest mistake many people make is taking on too much debt. You should have some sort of liquid cash to use as collateral with a lending institution. If you have bad credit or bankruptcy behind you, however, these conditions often do not present a problem when it comes to getting the lowest interest rates. If you have good credit, however, you may need to work extremely hard to find a mortgage with good rates and terms.

Another important factor to consider is how much you want to put down on a mortgage. If you want to build up savings and build your credit rating, you should only borrow the amount of cash you need and nothing more. By using a mortgage for purchases that you can actually pay off in a short period of time you can actually avoid paying back any of the interest you pay on the principal of the loan. You can save more money by building up your cash reserves.

By Wayne Saman